Sunday, February 4, 2007

Easter Island Day 3

Day 3 we got up early to see the sunrise at Ahu Tongariki, the largest Moai site. It was magical.

Then we hiked from Ahu Te Peu 5 hours around the west and north of the island, ending at Playa de Anakena beach. Along the way we stopped and had lunch on a cattle ranch. This time it was just Yoyo, Amy and I. Betsie, Craig, and Becky left this morning.

At the end of the hike we went swimming at the beach. The water here is so nice and warm... nothing like the cold New England waters I grew up in!

Our feet were very sore by the end of the hike. We've done well keeping up with the pace here, but I think day 4 is going to need to be an easy day for some recovery!

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